Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe – Ramp Up The “Fun Factor” While Working

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As promised, we are back with another show that’s just the two of us sharing what we’ve been learning lately and how it’s impacted our lives for the better – all while we are having more fun! We’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and have been upgrading our lives in different ways. We’re also still continuing to get insights and help from our friends and podcast guests, which is one of the main benefits of what we do.

We also discuss our new schedules, our awesome new studio space, how we’ve been able to rid ourselves of several limiting beliefs and make the adjustment to hand off work which was hard to do at first, but has freed us up and in turn, made more money. Plus, we give our thoughts on a recent video we watched which dissects how to enjoy the journey as well as how to determine what’s meaningful in your business so you can spend less time on the things you think are important or necessary, but are really holding you back. After you’ve listened, don’t forget to check out the conversations we mentioned with Erin Pheil, Angelo Sisco, and Marx Acosta-Rubio on how to manage your life and workflow, for more balance and free time.

“There is a lot of mental clarity and that allows us to almost naturally have more fun.” – Joe Fier

I go to my computer, Joe goes to his computer. I start working on things…we are sending files back and forth via Slack even though we’re next to each other, and the next thing we know it’s been 3 hours and we just built an entire funnel. Let’s go to lunch.” – Matt Wolfe

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How our new bachelor pad/podcast studio has made our life easier and more productive
  • Are burritos or tacos the next productivity booster? And who has the best tacos country-wide?
  • Enjoying the journey vs. getting to some specific destination
  • Working in opposition to today’s mindset of grinding it out now, for the glory later
  • Shout outs to our buddies at Alpha Hippie
  • Popping the limiting belief bubbles that hold us back
  • Making tasks like bookkeeping insanely fun
  • How to make things more fun

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