Marx Acosta-Rubio – How To Make Time Move Slower To Accomplish More

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Marx Acosta-Rubio joins us today for yet another episode. He’s probably the smartest guy we know when it comes to doubling your income and increasing your revenue while also taking more time off to do the fun stuff. We go very deep, as always, as he lists out all these amazing tools and principles such as the Hawthorne Effect, the Getting Things Done principle, the 80/20 rule, the Vital Three, and many more. Then, because he’s read so many foundational books, he’s distilling information from these books and wrapping them up into a process that you can apply to your business and your life.

The goal here is to double your income while also doubling your time off. Even though this is counter-intuitive, the more you contain your work time and plan for trips and fun stuff, the more it’s going to allow you to focus on the core things you need to get done to achieve what you want to achieve. We cover six specific principles in this episode that you can apply, and you’ll see how, when you tie them all together, it’s both possible and something special. After you’ve listened, be sure to check out our conversations with Dr. Steve Ruden and David Allen for more information on havening and how to change your habits to get things done.

That’s one of the tricks and how we do that is when the only thing on your mind is the only thing on your mind, and you are aware of that, then time slows down.” – Marx Acosta-Rubio

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to slow the day time so you can put a week’s worth of experiences in a day
  • Wise lessons from Bruce Lee
  • The 3 laws that need to be invoked to really move the needle
  • How to get yourself out of your business plateau
  • The Power of Three
  • A walkthrough of Marx’ day and the keys elements to starting off your morning right 
  • The $1,000 a day question we ask
  • Putting Parkinson’s law into play as you work
  • The three steps for delegation and which one to use when
  • Really thinking about the love strategies for those close to you
  • Dealing with more dangers and more opportunities ahead

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Resources From Marx Acosta-Rubio:

  • You can reach out to Marx at: 

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy this clip from our interview with Marx Acosta-Rubio:


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