The PR Blueprint – How To Get Into Any Media Publication – Andrew O’Brien

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When mental healthcare for veterans started being gutted, Andrew O’Brien was one of the first to lose his paycheck. He had loved speaking at army bases all over the world, but he also knew he didn’t want to work for anyone else ever again.

Andrew used what he had learned when his personal story made international headlines to create his own PR firm to help businesses and entrepreneurs get in the limelight. He has gotten his clients into every kind of media outlet from local television to Forbes Magazine. And now he’s sharing his methods and training thousands in how to stand out in the crowded media stream.

Listen up as Andrew O’Brien tells the guys what you need to do to get noticed, the five steps to effectively cold call media outlets, and what you should practice before going on camera. If you’re still in the zone, go check out our talks with David Schloss and Steve Gordon to get more advice about building your network and getting noticed.

A big thing I tell everybody is if you want to stand out be honest, so I’m going to be honest…” – Andrew O’Brien

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Newsjacking: the best opportunity for your story to get noticed
  • Why you should be terrified of what you want to say on air
  • Think your life’s not interesting? Well, that’s BS!
  • The stories that always stand out in this false-truth era
  • What the biggest influencers aren’t talking about
  • Why you don’t need to feel like you’re exploiting the news
  • HARO: The mindset you need to connect with reporters
  • Doing the “sniper approach” for your PR campaign
  • A tool to build your email list from the media outlets you appear on
  • The 5-step template to be the one email out 100,000 that gets a callback
  • What to practice before going on camera
  • The 3 types of media staff and what they want to hear from you

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Contact Andrew O’Brien:

References and Links Mentioned:

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