Dan Nicholson – How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk, and Make More Money on Your Terms

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On this episode, I’m joined by Dan Nicholson, the author of Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk, and Make More Money on Your Terms.

Dan is passionate about helping entrepreneurs end their suffering, and he shares his insights on how to do that through his book and this podcast episode. He talks about the challenge of constantly chasing more and how it can lead to taking ourselves out of the game.

We also discuss the importance of setting expectations based on average performance, rather than personal best in order to achieve financial success. Dan’s fourth commandment is also explored, which is about not seeking the best of ourselves every single day, but pursuing a rolling average.

Finally, Dan shares how he had to unlearn much of what he had learned in business school in order to become an entrepreneur. He realized that he needed to optimize for the right things, not just more and more.

By the end of the episode, you will have gained insight into how to find enough in one’s life while also achieving financial success.

Here are some other takeaways you’ll get from listening:

  • Discover how to achieve financial success and find your enough
  • Understand why humans are wired to crave more and how to reorient towards goals
  • Learn how to set expectations based on average performance, rather than personal best
  • Unlearn what you’ve been taught in business and optimize for the right things
  • Gain insight into how to hit expectations most days with a built-in upside
  • Discover the fourth commandment about not seeking the best of ourselves every single day
  • Understand how pursuing a rolling average in life can bring success
  • Realize how chasing more can lead to taking yourself out of the game
  • Gain insight into how to change your thinking in a healthier way
  • Alternative to trying to be your best every day – how to take pressure off yourself
  • Why, what, and how to unlearn what’s dragging you down in your business
  • How to reframe from always pushing for “more” to what’s most efficient for you and “maximize”
  • How to know how to play YOUR game to an infinite level
  • How understanding “restraint” allows you to curb your impulses and allow greater good things to happen
  • How “burning the boats” hurts you and your business more than you realize
  • Steps to create personal freedom in your business and life so you call the shot

Get Dan’s book, Rigging The Game, so you can deep dive into all of his actionable strategies.

Check out episodes from some of the other folks mentioned, like Nic Peterson and Dr. Jeff Spencer.

Is there another entrepreneur in your life who would find this episode helpful? Please share it with them!

And check out www.hustleandflowchart.com to get more resources and tools on how to create a business and life that work for you.

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