Armand Morin – The Past, Present, and Future of Internet Marketing

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Did you know that our guest today is the reason behind Russell Brunson’s success? Armand Morin is on the show, and it was so cool to go down a page in history, as he talked about the early days of internet marketing way back in 1996. He tells the story of how he made over one million dollars selling bookmarks in the days before payment processors. Also, his email strategy and MAE framework were interesting to us, as well as how he doesn’t believe in funnels. He has flipped the idea of the funnel into more of a pipeline and gave us a dissertation on how to do email with this approach. We also chat about his email sequence based on webinars, which was another massive topic.

This show was much more tactical than we thought, as Armand covered email strategies, webinar strategies, and even how to become a country music star. He’s also a national champion with Tae Kwon Do, and follows the “Success Leaves Traces” philosophy, which you can learn about in his book of the same name. After you’ve listened, you might enjoy our episodes with Dale Beaumont and David Jenyns for more tips on creating systems to save time and work smarter. 

Lastly, if you are heading to the Traffic & Conversions Summit, be sure to stop by our booth in the expo area and say hello! There will be challenges, fun, and prizes! If you want to network and hang out with us, we are going to be throwing a huge party at Mission Brewery in San Diego on Tuesday evening. There will be sponsors (if you want to sponsor, hit us up!) and we promise this will be a super fun party that you do not want to miss. 

At 3 hours into my whole internet career, I find this website that says ‘If you give me $20, I will put a link on my site that will link to your site and because I’m advertising so much, you’re going to get a lot of traffic to your site’ and I thought, Oh man, that’s brilliant!” – Armand Morin

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to hack your way into becoming a huge country music star
  • Avoiding a painful, first business lesson 
  • The early days of selling links and having to print out paper checks!
  • How Armand created the world’s original search engine
  • What happens when you get your merchant account shut down when you are on track to make over $150,000,000 in a year
  • Why you want to think of selling through a pipeline, not a marketing funnel
  • The early days of the Warrior Forum – who knew?!
  • Changing up your email system with the MAE method, so you are getting more open rates and not hammering your list with the same message over and over
  • The new webinar strategy that has been a game-changer (it’s easier than you may think)
  • How to reverse engineer anything, even learning how to water ski

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Resources From Armand Morin:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Armand Morin:


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