Archit Batlaw – What Does The Future Look Like For eCommerce?

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On today’s show we are chatting with Archit Batlaw from Reach Digital. We like how he thinks through things, and how he talks about what it was like to work at Facebook. We also talk about his predictions and the consolidations as to how Facebook is getting into podcasting. Archit talks about how having followers is way more powerful than figuring out some Facebook ad strategy. There’s the AI that’s available for everyone and it’s optimized already. 

A lot of the things that people are specializing in right now like copywriting and media buying are examples of things where AI is getting better and better at. This brings us to the main point in this episode which is how building a brand is everything. We also chat about the latest Apple update, some predictions about the future of the big media companies, and some thoughts on what Apple has in store next. Archit also gives us his thoughts on how he stays focused, how to put your tasks on an axis to determine how much time you may be wasting, and other ways to stay in alignment. After you listen, be sure to check out our shows with Rich Schefren and Bruce Clay for more insight into future trends in the digital marketing world.

With a subscription business, you don’t necessarily need to have this churn and burn, with 8,000 customers. You can have 1,000-2,000 customers and have a pretty nice business going.” – Archit Batlaw

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • What it’s really like working at Facebook
  • Is Facebook really tapping in our phones?
  • Following the theme of trial by fire to get customers fast
  • Is Facebook a social network or is it an eCommerce network?
  • Where the future of in-app purchases are heading
  • The latest Apple updates and how it affects your tracking
  • Please leave us a review, and if you have already – a big thanks! We are reading them on the show, so listen in, as maybe one of them is yours
  • Predictions on how to stand out in the future with your brand

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Resources From Archit Batlaw:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Archit Batlaw:


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