Travis Chappell – How To Get To Know Anyone On The Planet

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We’re back with another awesome show chatting with Travis Chappell, host of Build Your Network Podcast and creator of Guestio. Travis is a guy that we could have easily chatted with for another hour. We discussed how to get the big name guests on your show, how to interact with them and encourage them to share the show afterward, how to network and build relationships with them, and how to create big events with past guests. He’s got a great philosophy when it comes to networking and while there’s a lot of things you can’t track such as the shoutouts from people you collaborate with, there’s also a lot of intangible benefits that happen down the road, such as investing, referrals, and advisory relationships.

We love his idea of hosting dinners and bringing people together, and we also love how he created his own reality for success as he used to live in a bubble growing up. Travis discussed his research methods and how he has put hours into it before the guest shows up, noting some key things to pick up on, so you can chat about the things which will make your guest light up. After you have enjoyed this show, check out the chats we referenced with Jordan Harbinger and Luis Diaz for even more ideas on how to network with the people you want in your circle and growth hack your podcast up the charts.

It was the first time in my life that I had actually taken a pay cut to do something different, but I just knew it was something I was meant to be doing.” – Travis Chappell

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Our recent thoughts on ClubHouse
  • Starting from nothing with no contacts
  • Giving your guests a reason to share the show with their audience
  • Why having a podcast is like getting a free education
  • How to navigate the conversation to get unique content out of your guests
  • A unique follow up process for past gets that adds a boatload of value
  • The new platform that makes it easy to connect with podcasts and filter out the podcasters who are less serious
  • Examples of questions to ask your guests that stand out from the usual, boring topics
  • How to get over the fear of reaching out to big-name guests

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Resources From Travis Chappell:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Travis Chappell:


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