Luis Diaz – How To Growth Hack Your Content Marketing

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We’re back with a podcasterrific episode. On today’s show, we’re talking with Luis Diaz and this show is super important if you’ve got any sort of media presence online. We’re talking about getting on podcasts, podcast growth (which is relative to any type of content), follow up, and networking. Luis also has a book called “How To Get Your First 100,000 Podcast Downloads In The First 100 Days”.

Luis has helped with launching over 37 podcasts in the last two years resulting in 3.7 million downloads! He does a lot of lateral thinking and it’s not the standard stuff about growing podcasts in general. He talks about how to get onto other podcasts and has got a total system behind the scenes. Luis has got such a cool perspective on how to get on other people’s platforms without being spammy and by establishing relationships. As you listen, you’ll see how he’s a growth hacker much like we are, and is hacking away to move the needle a little bit more, constantly experimenting, and hacking his way to growing his podcast way up the charts. We also talk about what to do when you go on other people’s podcasts and you’ll see both sides of the coin, whether you have your own show or go on someone else’s as a guest. If you’d like to hear more about jump-starting your path to success with podcasts, check out our conversations with Jordan Harbinger and Charley Valher.

That’s something no one else is doing there if you are a guest coming on…showing podcasters how they can help grow their podcast ” – Luis Diaz

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to follow up after reaching out to podcasters
  • Our awesome new kazoo jingle!
  • How to use Facebook groups in your podcast strategy
  • Quick and easy email follow up that get great results
  • A host of platforms to start advertising and how much of your budget you can expect to allocate for the best return
  • The follow-up flowchart for podcasters
  • A great way to get onto the top 10 podcasts in your niche
  • And much, much more!

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Contact Luis Diaz:

References and Links Mentioned:

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