Todd Herman – Creating New Identities to Achieve Your Goals

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Todd Herman describes himself as a science nerd, sports nut, mindset geek, performance junkie, and ass kicker. We refer to him as the world’s greatest salesperson, even winning a contest by that same name. He’s got 22 years of experience in the peak performance space and has seen a lot of things come and go over that time.

He has a knack for coaching people and explains how to be on your best game, whether you are in practice mode or in the real game in front of a crowd and how to get your ideas out of your mind and into the field of play.  Todd also goes into depth on how the most important part of grabbing hold of your alter ego is that you want to emotionally connect with it as well as with whoever is your inspiration for your alter ego.

Todd has also coached thousands of people, including top athletes, performers and entrepreneurs over the years and has helped them, sometimes on short notice, to step up their game, both literally and figuratively. He talks about his new book and offers tips on how to access your alter ego to finally become the person that you want to be.

Todd encourages everyone to regain their sense of playfulness that we all had as kids in order to find the zone and tap into your preferred identity as well as creating and maintaining healthy relationships which lead to an overall and meaningful life.

When you get the flash of creative inspiration, stab it immediately, otherwise you’ll lose it.” – Todd Herman

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to use the power of alter ego and what it is
  • How to develop your own alter ego
  • One tactic that most people never use, but gets Todd customers for life
  • How to turn your alter ego on and off at will
  • How to get over imposter syndrome
  • What Todd did as a football athlete to create a winning environment for himself
  • Alter egos of famous people he has worked with
  • Why participating in individual sports is even more important than team sports
  • Why building a game plan is one of the key things to create if you are an entrepreneur
  • How a simple pair of glasses can help banish rejection
  • And much, more more!

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Contact Todd Herman:

References and Links Mentioned:

Check out another mindset related podcast, Rinesh Ganatra: The 5 Mindsets Entrepreneurs Must Embrace

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