The Story Of Matt Wolfe (So Far)

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Matt Wolfe – I’ve decided to lock in the podcast schedule at one new interview every Wednesday for now. I may increase the frequency as the show picks up steam but that’s the goal for now.

However, there will be times that I want to present solo episodes where I share thoughts, ideas, or stories.

This is one of those episodes…

It dawned on me that I went straight into interviewing and teaching without ever really giving my story. There’s probably a lot of people who don’t know me or how I got to where I am today. People discover the show on iTunes or Soundcloud and may have no clue why they should listen to me…

That’s why I created today’s episode. I wanted to dive into my backstory and explain my story so far as well as where I’m headed.

I get a bit excited and emotional and even a bit vulnerable in this episode because I know there’s people that can relate.


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