Mike Michalowicz – The Clockwork System To Create A Business That Runs Without You

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If Mike Michalowicz could show you the way out of the “hustle” and promised that in the process he could help you end your entrepreneurial poverty, would you step outside your comfort zone long enough to listen?

Naturally, if you haven’t read one of this best selling author’s many entertaining and educational books on how to do just that, you’d ask why you’d listen to Mike in the first place.

By the time he was 35, he’d founded and sold two multi-million dollar businesses, turned angel investor, lost all his profits, and has since launched a third million dollar business, so he’s got the CV to back up his advice.  

Listen in as Mike teaches us all about the queen bee role, the 4 D’s, and how to take a four week vacation from your business. If this episode shook loose some action steps that need tending to, follow up with Tim Francis on hiring the right key players and Paul Lemberg on setting business goals.

I think people are thinking we’ve got to work harder and harder and that is a fallacy. We need to think smarter and smarter. That’s the goal.”– Mike Michalowicz

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Quit fighting, you both get credit for introducing Mike to each other guys…
  • Who started that signature white suit first? Colonel Sanders, Dr. John Hammond or Michael Gerber?
  • Matt describes Clockwork as the actionable E-Myth
  • That story about Frank the mentor and the rusty lawn chair though
  • What is a brand promise and how does it relate to a QBR (Queen Bee Role)
  • This is not the QBR of the San Diego Padres
  • What is the cram and scramble and why it’s the frenemy of small business owners
  • How to flip the script on ego and guilt, the two killers of business self-sufficiency
  • Not to be confused with the work-ation, for longer stints away from the “office” desk
  • Seriously, if someone sculpted a naked guy and it’s one of the most recognizable pieces in art history, as a business owner, doing this is vital
  • The 4 D’s of business ownership and how to use them to take four week vacations
  • An effective strategy to make the leap into “spending” on your first (or next) employee
  • The subtle difference between deciding and delegating and why you need to master the second as quickly as possible
  • Why supporting an employee’s bad decision is a good practice
  • Transcript coming soon

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Contact Mike Michalowicz:

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