Stephen Esketzis: Affiliate Marketing Using Epic Content

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Right out of high school Stephen Esketzis created his first app to get people into night clubs. He worked with a friend to sell his app and got hooked on designing the perfect funnel to bring in customers. That’s when he stopped developing and went full throttle into marketing.

Now Stephen is a leading sales funnel expert who specializes in content marketing using purely SEO strategies. He used to be the head of content marketing at Clickfunnels before building multiple media brands of his own. And he is sharing his knowledge with thousands of entrepreneurs through his website, podcast, and the events he organizes in his home city of Melbourne.

Get ready to update your system as Stephen shows Matt and Joe how to create epic content, start a media brand from scratch, and planning the exact right time to make your exit. When you’re done, go get even more content strategies from our conversations with Brian Dean and David Sinick.

I wanted to build an asset rather than just a funnel because a funnel should be a part of the brand, it shouldn’t just be a standalone thing.” -Stephen Esketzis

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Why media ecosystems net more profit than funnels
  • The 1 thing your SEO strategy needs (you can forget the rest!)
  • How to find writers for your niche
  • What top ranking content looks like today
  • 2 options for starting a media property
  • Skyscraper Campaigns to generate backlinks
  • Overcoming mental blocks to send 40 emails a day
  • The Silo Structure that makes epic content
  • Marketing tools to keep it lean and sharp
  • Where affiliate marketing should fit into a business
  • How to plan the sale of your media properties
  • A webinar ad that is super cheaper and effective

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Contact Stephen Esketzis:

References and Links Mentioned:

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