How To Promote Affiliate Offers Using Facebook Ads (And Not Get Banned) – David Schloss

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David Schloss is one of the foremost experts when it comes to social media marketing and conversion optimization, and he specializes in Facebook advertising and Instagram video advertising. Not only is he a daily practitioner – using the platform EVERYDAY, he is connected to some of the biggest influencers in the digital marketing space. WE both picked up a couple new things during this episode, and are sure the same will be true for you.

Today, you’ll discover David's go to tactics for using facebook ads to promote affiliate offers. With accounts getting shut down everywhere, David is going to be sharing what he currently doing to safely promote affiliate offers on Facebook.

“ALWAYS go the extra mile.” – David Schloss

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • The ever dynamic state of compliance, what you can and can’t do
  • The unspoken grace period and using it to your advantage
  • We answer whether Facebook actually goes through your funnel
  • What is Web of Trust
  • The Key factors that ACTUALLY influence affiliate promotions
  • The 4 step solution for making affiliate promotions work on Facebook
  • Owning and Controlling the Asset
  • The EGP Affiliate workflow and how it is setup
  • Examples of offers that are currently working

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