Molly Mahoney – The 3-Day “Spaghetti Launch” That Generated $300k

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We’re back with another amazing show with Molly Mahoney, from The Prepared Performer today! In this episode, Molly is so tactical and we highly recommend you go to as this is one of the few ones where she shows her screen. You’ll see her dive into her Spaghetti Launch, where she pulled off a crazy successful launch. The beauty is she didn’t even have a ton of people going through there but still got crazy results. 

We are in awe of all the live videos Molly puts out and she gives a boatload of tips on how to change up your Facebook newsfeed so that you can engage more with the content that you want to see, how to best use your Facebook memories to increase engagement, her daily STARS tactic. We also talk about ramping up our Facebook engagement in the groups, and with other social platforms, best practices for group posts, and how to track them as well as using friends lists the right way. After you’ve taken all this in, be sure to listen to our previous chat with Molly (where you’ll hear the brussel sprouts strategy) as well as our conversation with Curt Maly for even more Facebook golden nuggets.

It revives your group and I’m always wanting to add more people to it, but more than that I don’t want to add a bunch of people into a group that makes it dead. I’d rather talk to the people who are there and increase the engagement.” – Molly Mahoney

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to raise awareness to the free challenge from the get-go
  • Opening up your own bottle of social media champagne
  • How Molly went from giving free content to generating $300K in a short time
  • An important distinction of where to put your training videos for your challenge
  • How to up your community engagement
  • How to implement your own daily STARS effort in your group
  • What’s almost as good as brussel sprouts? Tune in to find out!
  • How to create your own giant orb of information and show the algorithm who you want to be connected with
  • How to repurpose your content and stay top of mind on Facebook
  • Leaning into JOMO and how we are using ClubHouse today

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Resources From Molly Mahoney:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Molly Mahoney:


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