Matt Wolfe – Conference Hacks To Get The Most From Live Events

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Matt is dropping another solo episode today, and he is going to be talking about some cool conference hacks that will help you with outreach and making connections. Live events are happening again and we just returned from the Traffic & Conversion Summit. Matt will be sharing some things that we learned over time about how to be the most effective at these conferences and how to get the most out of them. 

He shares a few hacks about how to connect with people and build your influence around the booth. Whether it be with the speakers, attendees, or exhibitors, we really like to network with as many people as possible and do it in a way where you really build a deep connection. Once you’re done, check out chats with Steve Sims that we mentioned and Michael Trainer as well for more insights into making awesome connections to propel your business.

You’ll get their email and once again, you have just opened the door. You’ve just kicked in that reciprocation principle, you’ve just given them a reason to reciprocate and you’ve just given them a reason to remember you as well.” – Matt Wolfe

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Connecting with everyone at the event, and not just attendees
  • Why we, as a sponsor, love connecting with other sponsors!
  • How to connect with folks that you might think are unreachable
  • How to use photos and videos for outreach
  • Exporting your contacts for use in future emails
  • How to get people onto your podcast
  • Using the event app – this makes for easy outreach!

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  • Want to learn how to growth hack a podcast and watch over our shoulders (and give you all the templates and DFY swipe files)? Check out – this is where we deep dive into building, monetizing, and scaling a podcast through unique strategies like the ones from this episode.

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