Massimo Chieruzzi – The Content Marketing That Made Adespresso Successful

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We covered a lot on our show today with Massimo Chieruzzi, as he tells his story through the episode while dishing out lessons about content marketing and lead scoring. This episode is part comedy and part insights and tactics about content marketing. You’ll hear about some of the pinnacle moments Massimo had while building AdEspresso, his content marketing strategies, his thoughts about startups and the ups and down of moving your business to a new country. We also talk about how he was able to build up AdEspresso in such a short time by doing a lot of split tests, with actionable information and sharing the data of what they found. They also created a giant swipe file which anyone can make for their own audience. Now you have a page on your site that’s very attractive where you are aggregating information and getting a ton of backlinks without having to create a 5,000 word post.

We also talk about his big exit from the company, and how so many have this idea they will exit and retire onto easy street, but that’s usually never the case. You’ll also want to check out Massimo’s manifesto he wrote which is all about revenue acceleration on his new venture, There’s a lot of principles in there that pull a lot of the nuggets he references, such as the value exchange. Once you’re done be sure to listen to our chats with Lisa Buyer and Dan Norris for more tips and tactics on branding and building up a strong brand identity.

Brand is a huge asset, because your advertising will be cheaper…people are more willing to click on the ad because they recognize the brand” – Massimo Chieruzzi

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Bad at selling or hate talking to people? Listen to what Massimo did to succeed
  • Let us know who’s right when we talk about the river (you’ll know when you listen to the outro)
  • The ups and down of agency work
  • Balancing trying to build the next great product even though you may not be passionate about the project
  • The truth about the world of start ups and what you never hear about
  • The perks of having a recognizable brand
  • The story behind the controversial chicken
  • Getting attention to your brand without have to talk to people
  • The concept of having code as content 
  • Reach out to this specific audience to get linking building results
  • How mid-scoring can lead to revenue acceleration in your business
  • Standing out and being unique in the online world

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Resources From Massimo Chieruzzi:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Massimo Chieruzzi:


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