The 5-Step Process To Make Every Sale – Wes Schaeffer

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In 2006, after nine years in corporate sales, Wes Schaeffer started his first company. He had five kids to feed, plus another on the way, so he knew couldn’t dabble. He had to commit. He started cold calling companies, offering to train their sales teams.

His business was starting to grow, but Wes wanted to know how to really improve. He made his first website and taught himself SEO and copywriting. He embraced social media, video, podcasting, you name it. Suddenly, he was the one getting the cold calls.

Now Wes is also known as The Sales Whisperer. While speaking to companies about how to plan their finances and set their sales goals, he also helps thousands of entrepreneurs learn how to automate their marketing and sales.

On this episode Wes Schaeffer tells the guys his 5 step process for sales teams to get lasting results, the right way to do cold calling, and why businesses need to embrace complexity. When you’re done listening, go get some more sales advice from Kevin Rogers and Alan McKenna

Magnets attract to the same degree they repel… So are you willing to repel as well? Most people are not.”- Wes Schaeffer

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to grow sales without growing staff
  • Why selling is actually a science and what you need to learn
  • The kind of customers that only outbound marketing is ever going to reach
  • How to know a lesson has really sunk in with your audience
  • Is it better to double your costs, but lose half your clients?
  • Why funnel hacks will never get lasting results
  • The way to find out if a hire might be your next top salesperson
  • How to balance your sales team between Meat Eaters and Farmers
  • What a business needs to let sales rock and roll
  • The best KPIs to follow when cold calling
  • Why Apple packaging is a perfect lesson in how to maintain your clients

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Contact Wes Schaeffer:

References and Links Mentioned:

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