Jenna Larson – How To Automate Your Facebook Group

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Today we have Jenna Larson from Drive Performance Coaching and GroupTrack which is her cool CRM software that helps manage interactions and tracks messages on Facebook, and includes a boatload of other helpful options which we discuss on the show. This tool makes all of your customers feel like they are getting heard and are getting your attention so they will stay in your group know that you are invested in their success. We also talk about the potential of linking across various platforms, tracking these messages in the software, and the fact that it automatically saves the questions that are asked when people join your group, plus recommendations for you to send specific messages at the right time.

Jenna looks at every problem as an opportunity that has led her to be like Nike – as her attitude is to just do it! We also talk about getting engagement through Facebook Messenger which will, in turn, get more engagement in the group, and then show your posts more often and get that algorithm going. When you’re done, get more advice about connecting with your ideal customers on Facebook from our conversations with Nicholas Kusmich and Molly Mahoney.

I take things and I make them super simple and repeatable, so not only I can get the same results consistently but also have other people do the same strategy and get those same results too.” – Jenna Larson

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Taking what you know, finding a problem in a business, and applying those same principles, even if you have never ventured into that business in the past
  • Following up on social media with Jenna’s new software so you don’t miss out on leads, clients, and money
  • High-level follow-ups that will earn trust and automatic customers for life
  • Using Facebook to your advantage and all that it offers, including pages, groups, newsfeed and even messenger
  • Why we love yellow cars so much!
  • How to name your Facebook group and set your intention for your members
  • Get people to join your Facebook group without even asking
  • All you have to do is this one thing and people will stay and buy
  • Advice for people who are naturally lazy 
  • Why bucket lists are dumb

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Resources From Jenna Larson:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Jenna Larson:



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