How To Keep Your Brain Focused On Abundance – Christy Whitman

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If you could use only one phrase to describe today’s guest, it would be an expert manifestor. Christy Whitman, creator of the Quantum Success Academy is one of the leading experts in coaching and teaching aspiring coaches how to achieve true abundance in all areas of life.

Christy has a following that’s over 200,000 strong, so she’s doing something right. She’s made appearances on NBC’s Today Show, contributed to Self, USA Today and dozens of popular magazines, websites and television stations. Christy is also a New York Times best-selling author with her new book Quantum Success due out September 25.  

Today we got to talk some truth with Christy about the Law of Attraction, the cycle of victimhood, shifting consciousness, how to get unstuck in your relationship with money, and the art of using the right manifestation tools. Christy was even kind enough to share with us the Cliff’s Notes version of Universal Law.

If we are feeling limited in some way in our lives, we’re playing the victim.” – Christy Whitman

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How designing an abundant life works from the inside out
  • Why flipping sucks and how to make it gracefully to the other side
  • What resistance is and how to get unstuck
  • Learning to embrace one of Billy Joel’s greatest lyrical lessons
  • Reflections, projections and how to use them to free your energy
  • What does the bible say about money and how to spin it for a better energetic relationship
  • Which manifestation tools are best for beginners
  • What your unwanted behavioral patterns are revealing to you
  • What it means when you don’t get what you think you want
  • How Matt is secretly like Scrooge McDuck
  • Christy’s favorite books for new students to the LOA
  • Ways you can choose to work with Christy Whitman directly

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Contact Christy Whitman:

References and Links Mentioned:

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