The 2018 EGP Gameplan – Create Amazing Value And Build A Platform

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We've talked about it a lot lately. We've completely changed directions with Evergreen Profits. We've made the decision to stop selling info-products and our print newsletter. Instead, we're giving away most of our content for free here on the blog and in the podcast. The plan is to build a platform.

Instead, we'll be earning our income from our products outside of the “marketing” niche, affiliate commissions, sponsors, and coaching with people who want to work directly with us. We're also going to be putting on a few live events to work directly with people.

On today’s episode, the last one of 2017, Matt and Joe are going to reveal the Evergreen Profits game plan for 2018 by creating a platform and how it will help you in your business and niche.

“If you’re in a battlefield and you are relying on that single source of income, you are going to be in a bloodbath.” – Matt Wolfe & Joe Fier

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • A nice little something something to look forward to in 2018
  • The game changer that started this December
  • What changes can you can look forward to
  • How making an impact to customers while stopping income cold turkey can make a difference
  • The WHY and WHAT are the BIG take-away
  • Build a platform for your business and a big megaphone
  • Why build a platform and what it can help your business achieve
  • What happens if you’re playing in mid-range pricing
  • What services you can have at no cost
  • How do you play with the edges
  • What makes it easy to sell in your niche
  • How we look at our affiliate marketing
  • The biggest impact and events goal on 2018
  • What types of people we are looking for
  • “We are going to be everywhere – the direction of our platform”
  • What else can you do if you don’t have a Podcast
  • “2018 is going to be a bad a** for everybody!”

References & links mentioned:

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