Billionaire Secrets of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates – Jon Margalit

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Any entrepreneur will love and appreciate this fascinating story of Jon Margalit, a serial entrepreneur that has launched numerous startups ranging from financial services to consumer package goods. He has years of experience in startup business development, marketing, and fund raising. Jon’s genuine enthusiasm and his ability to establish real connections with people gave him the opportunity to meet top billionaires like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Charlie Munger.

Today, Jon talks about his first encounter with Warren Buffett, and some valuable takeways he got from having annual meetings with some of the world’s legendary billionaires. Jon also shares his knowledge on developing and executing strategic plans to drive revenues to your business, his process on evaluating the viability of any product idea and his philosophy on building businesses in general.

When we start out on our entrepreneurial journeys, no matter how much experience we have or how much we've learned, we don't know what we're doing until we actually go do it.” – Jon Margalit

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • Jon’s recent two start-up brands that’s making $1000 a day in sales
  • How he ended up having annual meetings with some of the most successful business people in the world
  • Jon’s amazing takeaways from meeting with the billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates
  • An important success trait of billionaire entrepreneurs that owns the biggest brands in the world
  • One of the biggest challenges of pursuing an entrepreneurial dream
  • Jon’s great piece of advice for startups
  • The inspiration why he started his on-the-go health food products
  • Pieces that you need to fit together perfectly in order to build a real marketing engine
  • Why a great business idea is not necessarily a great business
  • Getting valuable feedbacks to make better business decisions and build world-class products – for free!
  • Jon’s highly recommended book

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