Bending Reality To Make The Impossible Probable (Featuring Victoria Song)

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This is the perfect episode to round out our month of uber-impactful shows.

Victoria Song set our minds up for the big transition we’re making in our lives. She reminded us that we should follow the paths that bring us the most joy. She reminded us that we have the ability and opportunity to make a bigger impact on the world.

Most importantly, she gave us the tools to feel ok making big, new, uncomfortable moves.

What an absolutely amazing month of reminders and insights. I really hope you had the chance to check them all out because they hit even harder for us the second time around.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord.

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Delving into why people are unfulfilled after experiencing great success
  • The amazing results from hiring an executive coach
  • Using unpleasant emotions as fuel for expansion
  • What entrepreneurs should be doing during the start up phase and afterwards to prevent the dreaded feeling that something is missing
  • Why you want to be more like bison
  • How to get into more of a flow state and operate from a sense of play
  • What to do when you get to that place where your nervous system has expanded
  • Accessing the field of infinite possibilities
  • How to create friction in your life so you can uplevel
  • What to do when you don’t know your life’s purpose

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References and Links Mentioned:

Resources From Victoria Song:

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