Anthony Trucks – How To Get Your Shift Together

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We have Anthony Trucks joining us again for round two, and we had an absolute ball. Anthony has a new book coming out, Identity Shift, which we discuss in-depth on today’s episode. This was an impactful and timely episode, and one of the things we talked about was how there are people who want variety in life, and then there are people who want stability. For example, even in our own business, our new studio is the mechanism for wanting to change things up, as things were getting a little monotonous. Another analogy that Anthony discussed was the ball analogy, where the ball that you kicked far away is your goal and when it’s too far, the doubt comes in. So when it comes to goal setting, if you build too grand of a vision, you can get into mental trouble because that ball needs to be a little closer. 

He talks about people who constantly consume and don’t take any action, so the more you consume, the heavier that ball becomes. Also, he talks about how one of the goals of his book is to clarify how to close the identity gap so you can upgrade your life to the next level. There’s a lot of good stuff in this one, and after you have listened, we have some great shows from our vault you should check out, including our previous show with Anthony and our chat with Nir Eyal that deals with mindset, becoming more products, and getting valuable feedback to make better business decisions.

At the end of the day, your identity has to match your dream or it will never be realized. A lot of people have dreams that are far beyond their current identity…the cool thing is as you shift into it, you simultaneously transform as a human, but you also achieve that thing.” – Anthony Trucks

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How our chairs are a metaphor for our business
  • What makes you a skilled speaker
  • What your ideal identity is comprised of and the identity gap
  • Are you suffering from the epidemic of shelf esteem?
  • The dinnertime conversation you can have with your kids to cement a positive relationship with them
  • The difference between parenting your kids and coaching them (plus how to get your kids to clean their room!)
  • The battery drawer question
  • Chasing your passions vs. sticking with what makes you money (even if you loathe it)

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Resources From Anthony Trucks:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Anthony Trucks:


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