Justin Cooke – How To Hire A-Players In Your Company

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This is the third show that we’ve had a guest on where we discuss Empire Flippers, and today we are chatting with Justin Cooke, one of the founders. Justin talked about the Amazon affiliate sites, which they sell a lot of, and a good way to learn which sites are selling is to visit their site and go through the listings. Keeping up to date on what’s selling on the marketplace is super valuable for all of us. We’re all building these assets and there’s a way to enhance the value.

We also talk about the hiring process, and if you check out their site under the careers tab, you’ll be able to see what we are talking about. He’s got a pretty solid hiring process that he mapped out. He discusses his sales funnel process of hiring, the benefits of hiring an apprentice, how to find potential hires if you don’t already have an audience to reach out to and how to weed out the non-contenders early on. He also has an interesting take on the commission process and discusses how he’s made it more of a cooperative arrangement, which has worked out very well. After you listen and your mind is reeling from ideas, you’ll definitely want to check out our previous chats with Greg Elfrink and Matt Diggity, on how to best create a site for a future sale or to maintain it while making affiliate income.  

“I don’t want to fail them..and if I fail them, I’m just going to be amplifying my own failure. But also, any entrepreneur that waits until they are ready to hire has waited way too long.” – Justin Cooke

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Pivoting after one of Google’s updates
  • Record-breaking numbers on website sales
  • How to hire an apprentice for your business and working through the ups and downs
  • Breaking down the strategy session process
  • A really smart way to get you noticed when applying for a position
  • Getting over your fears about hiring
  • Building commissions in a cooperative way so the whole team wins
  • Using a cooperative approach for a commissions structure
  • What to do when you are first starting out if building a site to sell

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Resources From Justin Cooke:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with Justin Cooke:


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