This show is our season finale, not only in the respect of what was a crazy, unexpected year, but also the last episode and a wrap up for us, as well. What a year we’ve all had, indeed. On today’s show, we wanted to talk about some of our accomplishments this year, some of our takeaways and lessons from the past year, as well as our plans for 2021. Here’s to our mutual success in the year ahead and we appreciate you! After you have listened, be sure to check out the previous shows we mentioned that discuss working with some of legends of online marketing as well as a big thank you on our 300th episode to all that have helped us get to where we are today.
“How do we combine these resources and get a little win-win in the middle? Let’s stop figuring out how to grind all the time, to build pages, to drive traffic, and optimize SEO. Look for people that have already built assets, in the form of audiences, software, and amazing trainings that are available. Find these people and just try to tie assets together and be the middleman of these asset connections.” – Matt Wolfe
“I hate flying. It sucks to fly when you are tall.” – Bonus Quote From Matt
“It’s our biggest source of warm leads that are coming to listen to this show…and it’s a great strategy to spread your brand and awareness and connect with people in a way that’s more than just an ad shouting at a bunch of targets on Facebook or Instagram.” – Joe Fier
Download The Episode Companion For This Episode
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
- Pop Quiz: How many appearances did we make on podcasts and virtual summits in 2020? Tune in to find out!
- How we prepare for our presentations
- What to and what not to do if you also have a podcast where you interview guests
- Thoughts from a super crowded room (pre-pandemic, of course!)
- Our hit list and takeaways from our events and speaking opportunities from 2020
- What we each hold at the highlight from this year
- Our presentation hack of how we figure out what we are going to talk about
- What is like being Elton John on guitar?
- Our favorite podcasts and tools of the past 12 months
- Why you want to learn about the tree trunk and not jump into the leaves
- The books we’re reading right now, the ones we often refer back to as well as some very interesting YouTube channels
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References and Links Mentioned:
- Podfest
- War Room
- Members Pro
- Valher Media
- Majik Marketing
- CEO of NO by Andrew Wilkinson
- Unicorn Equity
- Trip Mode
- Breathworth app
- Alex Charfen’s Momentum podcast
- Cloze
- What South Park Teaches Us About Economics – Wisecrack Edition
- Who, Not How by Dan Sullivan
- The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga
- Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant
- Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson
- Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here!
- Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?
- Join the Facebook Community – be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs!
- This episode is sponsored by our go-to SEO research tool,, and by Easy Webinar – be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners.
- Behind-The-Scenes with the Legends of Online Marketing
- The People Who Got Us Where We Are Today
Enjoy this clip from our End Of Year Therapy Session:
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