Chris Krimitsos – Get Over Your Fear of Failure In 7 simple Steps

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On our last show with Chris Krimitsos, we chatted about his podcasting event, Podfest. At a lot of events we’ve attended, there’s a ton of chest pumping but Podfest was the first event where the environment was more about supporting each other and collaboration. Ever since then, we’ve been obsessed with the Podfest community and started to ingrain ourselves into the podfesting world because we love that perspective so much.

In today’s show, we dive into how awesome Podfest is, why you should definitely attend, all the cool swag and raffle items they have, the special event that we are hosting this year, and so many other details that really set this event apart.

On the business idea side of things, just consider how many ideas are still roaming around in your brain, waiting to be acted on. What if you started that thing you always said you’d do, even if it was imperfect? We also chat about Chris’s book Start Ugly, how he got the idea, who the main characters are based on in real life, and why it’s important for everyone to read it and more.

When you’ve listened, be sure to check our previous show with Chris as well as our show with September Dohrmann for more tips on how to get the most out of attending events as well as for building systems not only for marketing events but your business in general.

You think because someone is more successful than you, they figured it out.  The problem is everybody reaches a limit and they forget to start ugly again.” – Chris Krimitsos

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to help us with our upcoming software
  • How the Nintendo brand started (it’s not what you think!)
  • The 7 step system to starting ugly which will get you started and continuing to move ahead
  • What makes Podfest different from other events and why you should attend
  • How Chris came up with his book idea and a quick summary of this call to arms to encourage you to take action on your ideas and creations so you can release yourself from the chains of perfectionism
  • Why is Joe sitting in an old lady rocking chair during the show?
  • Water parks, raffle items and dueling pianos – what’s not to love?!
  • How to start ugly over and over to keep yourself out of a rut
  • What Chris learned from interviewing a billionaire
  • The difference between entrepreneurs, business builders and business owners – which one are you?
  • And much, much more!

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Contact Chris Krimitsos:

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