Ron Lynch: The 3-Part Formula That Can Make Any Product Sell

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After working for a Seattle grocery store chain for several years where he would see an interesting cast of characters including famous movie actors and celebrities, Ron Lynch parlayed his knowledge from producing cooking demonstrations in the market to producing a host of extremely successful infomercials.

He also has a long career working in the movie industry and has not only appeared in film but has had a hand in screenwriting scripts for a variety of movie projects.  In addition to these accolades, Ron is a published author.

Ron has an eclectic way of creating ideas and from him, you can learn a variety of promotional strategies and the importance of crowdsourcing content as well as using vertical creatives.

Ron is constantly creating, coming up with new ideas, often getting inspired from places that are not so common such as watching stand up comedians and illusionists. He discusses the importance of giving your product away and really thinking about the consumer’s view when building a brand.

Always make the story about the viewer and make it interesting about them. If you can create curiosity up front, you have a much higher probability of engagement”
– Ron Lynch 

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How working with the general public can lead to amazing opportunities.
  • How to combine two sets of skills to create a marketing strategy.
  • How to channel market vertically
  • How to crowdsource video content to market a product in the beginning
  • The 3 step video creation formula
  • How product stories are similar to a movie trailer or telling a good joke
  • A 3 question technique to pre-qualify consumers
  • Important starting points to consider when introducing your product
  • The difference between brand marketing and direct response marketing
  • Why giving away your product is better than offering a discount

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Contact Ron Lynch:

  • Visit’s Ron’s Facebook page for Big Baby Agency. If you send a message to the page, the bot will sent you a free 15 page creative brief, plus you’ll be pre-registered to get his book for free when it comes out.

References and Links Mentioned:

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