Tools To Get What You Want And Free Your Mind (Featuring Gabby Bernstein)

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We’re flashing back this month to some of the most impactful episodes we’ve had on the show.

Today we’re bringing Gabby Bernstein back to the surface. This episode really helped us put things into perspective.

In a time when the world is chaotic, our business is chaotic, and everything can feel like a struggle, there are simple exercises and thought patterns that you can practice that will help ground you and ease some of the pressure.

That toolset is exactly what Gabby provides in this episode.

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to Gabby was able to bring herself back from hitting rock bottom to getting on Oprah
  • The ‘Choose Again Method’, a simple tool to get you out of your fear-based story
  • Some example conversations to have (with yourself) to get your brain on the right track
  • The masterful way of journaling and combining “rage on the page” techniques
  • How to access some of the hidden information in your brain
  • Meditation and breathing techniques to let go of tension
  • Gabby’s super successful, Instagram Live series which is getting people all over the world amazing results

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References and Links Mentioned:

Resources From Gabby Bernstein:

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