SuperDoge Animated NFT Series + Big Metaverse News

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On today’s episode of Hustle & Flowchart we’re talking about all of the latest metaverse news, including the latest from The Sandbox, Decentraland, Axie Infinity, and Uplands.

We’re also brought in 3 of the creators of the SuperDoge project, an animated series with a token and NFTs…

Plus some major alpha on some free NFTs and potential airdrops.

Tune into this special episode to get all the details… Then join us in the Discord community to discuss.

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The multi-million dollar real estate deals inside the metaverse
  • How to wear your favorite shoes in your favorite virtual worlds
  • The $600,000 yacht for The Sandbox
  • What the hell is Uplands? We’re still trying to figure it out.
  • The story and team behind SuperDoge
  • How to snag some free NFTs from the SuperDoge team
  • How SuperDoge is telling their animated story in a web3 way
  • Where another airdrop could be coming from

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