Russ Perry – How Design Pickle Built And Scaled A DFY Design Agency

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Russ Perry is the Founder and CEO of Design Pickle, the world’s most successful flat-rate graphic design service and we are big fans of his products. On today’s show, we talk about Russ’s thought process on creating a subscription business, which is being modeled many times over and how his success is based on filling a huge need in the market. We also chat about how he’s scaled up, has been able to step away, and the importance of creating job roles to avoid hiring the wrong person.

Russ also talks about the importance of being authentic, how he got a ton of business by dressing up as a giant pickle, and why your business really needs to focus on creativity in order to stand out from the rest. He also discusses the book he wrote about dealing with addiction and how he was able to break his own dependence that nearly cost him his marriage. Once you’ve listened, check out our episodes with James Schramko and Aaron Fletcher on creating thriving memberships to round it out.

We’ve had companies like that clown training school, we’ve had a custom condom design company…at the end of the day, it came down to is the business mature enough to have an ongoing marketing system and do they have someone who’s dedicated to running it.” – Russ Perry

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The number one thing your business needs to focus on
  • How kids today are consuming content and why this matters to your business
  • How to get your designer to be even more amazing than usual
  • How to create a brand that the future consumers of today will love
  • How to be more authentic, fun and memorable
  • Russ’ daily routine
  • How Russ went from a struggling marriage to a now successful relationship
  • The podcast he and his wife have co-created and his goal for it to be #1 with entrepreneurial couples
  • And much, much more!

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Contact Russ Perry:

References and Links Mentioned:

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