How To Use Podcasting to Grow Your Personal Brand, Attract Your Ideal Audience, and Scale Your Business

Finally, the proven podcasting framework to establish yourself as a thought leader, build your community, and consistently generate leads for your growing business.

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**Only 15 spots available**


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You’re an expert with an established business, motivated to share your message and take your brand to the next level.

But you feel stagnant. Your content isn’t reaching the right people or making an impact. Your business has plateaued. You know where you want to go…you just lack the system to get there.

It’s frustrating. You have so much value to offer. But without the right platform, positioning, and processes, you’re struggling to:

Establish yourself as an authority in your niche

Attract your ideal audience at scale

Convert engaged followers into buyers

Create high-impact content consistently

Integrate podcasting into your overall brand strategy

You want to tap into the power of podcasting. But navigating it alone wastes time chasing tactics instead of results.

But you’re spinning your wheels in the mud. Your content feels scattered. Your growth is stagnant.

It’s time to play a bigger game.

You need a system to establish your authority and turn strangers into raving fans who beg to buy from you.

What you need is a proven podcasting framework designed specifically for motivated experts like you who are ready to reach the next level.

does this sound familiar??


Podcasting to Profits: The Complete Podcasting System For Thought Leaders to Grow Their Brand, Community, and Business

Podcasting to Profits gives you the exact step-by-step process to go from stagnant to scale in just 6 weekswithout spinning your wheels.

extremely limited:

This special LIVE edition of Podcasting to Profits will be limited to 15 people so we keep this focused on you!

Here’s the deal:

We condense decades of podcasting prowess into a simple step-by-step blueprint. 

Just follow our lead to:

No more theories – this is hard-won in-the-trenches battle tactics for rapid growth.

Here’s What You’re Getting: 

The small-group, streamlined do-it-yourself SPECIAL EDITION of the Podcast to Profits system delivered weekly over 6 weeks.

6-Week Live Intensive Style Sessions

Weekly deep-dives into key podcasting topics, building a powerful system from day one, layer by layer. Small group sessions will be highly interactive and actionable.

Supercharged One-on-One Consulting Calls

Personalized guidance to accelerate your podcasting journey, align your goals, and evaluate your progress. 1:1 sessions with Joe to dial in your personal stategy and processes.

Bonuses to Shortcut Learning and Implementation Time

Gain immediate access to our proven processes, workflows, templates, and exclusive resources to fast-track your success.

Here’s How We’ll Do It…

Podcast Guesting Mastery

Get booked quickly on your dream podcasts, establish authority, and expose your brand to ideal new audiences.

Optimized Podcast Launch Blueprint

Launch your own podcast fast with our simplified framework - optimizing for impact vs. perfection. This creates leverage and becomes a "hub" for your content and marketing efforts.

High-quality Lead Generation System

Build an automated system to capture highly engaged, qualified leads through your podcast. Nurture listeners into ideal customers who actively come to you, ready to buy.

Amplification & Visibility System

Amplify and repurpose your content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok to reach your ideal audience. Utilize SEO strategies to turn episodes into lead generating assets. Automate content distribution to maximize visibility and lead generation.

Multiple Revenue Stream Unlock

You'll have the process to connect with anyone you want AND get in front of your most targeted audience. You'll get warm introductions quickly and spotlight your brand alongside industry leaders, influencers, and potential clients.


As you continue with the system, you will have a great problem with your most qualified leads reaching out to YOU. These are people who have connected with you, trust you, and are ready to pay you top dollar for what you have to offer.

You'll attract people who aren't as ready to become customers, but you'll keep them in your "media inner circle" and create a raving fan... who either buys from you, takes advantage of an affiliate offer you promote, or refers more great people your way. Either way, a win for all!


You'll develop an efficient and repeatable podcast and media plan. This isn't about spending countless hours on content creation. Instead, you'll learn how to maximize your time by creating impactful podcast episodes that can be repurposed across multiple platforms.

This streamlined approach not only saves you time but also scales your efforts, allowing you to reach more people with the same amount of work. The best part? These efforts compound over time, creating a lasting impact that continues to drive results for years to come.

How it works: 6-week live masterclass + one-on-one coaching

Our 6-week live training and masterclass is designed to be an immersive, interactive, and highly productive experience.

Here’s how it will work:

Kickoff Strategy Session: You and Joe will hope on a 1:1 call to kick off this process. We’ll map out where you’re at now and how to make the most of these 6 weeks and beyond.

Week-by-Week Focus: Each week, we’ll tackle a key podcasting topic. You’ll build a powerful system from day one, layer by layer.

Ready-to-Use Resources: You’ll get our proven processes, workflows, and templates. They’re your shortcut to success, saving you time and effort.

Live Interaction: Join live sessions for direct Q&A and feedback. You’re not just learning; you’re engaging and getting real-time guidance.

One-On-One Consulting Calls: Throughout the course of the 6 weeks and beyond, we’ll schedule two additional 1:1 calls with Joe to make sure you’re making progress and building in the best way.

In just 6 weeks, you’ll have an automated podcasting system that continually grows your brand, audience base, and revenue.

No more stagnation. No more wasted time. No more struggling alone.

The goal is to get you moving from day one, so we’re shortening the gap to get you in front of the audience who’s been looking for you!

podcast to profits special edition bonuses

bonus 1: 3 private one-on-one consultations
($1500 value)

In this package, you'll gain access to three private, one-on-one consultations with me.

These sessions are more than just check-ins; they’re strategic deep-dives designed to accelerate your podcasting journey.
We’ll initiate with a session to align your goals and lay out a roadmap for your success.

Then, every couple of months, we’ll reconvene to evaluate your progress, fine-tune strategies, and sustain the momentum.

Consider me as your “fractional media director” during this period. I’ll be there to steer you, offer expert insights, and assist you in overcoming any hurdles.

This personalized guidance ensures you’re not only absorbing potent strategies but also applying them effectively for optimal results.

bonus 2: immediate access to the podhacker membership ($500 value)

As a special bonus, you'll gain immediate access to the PodHacker membership.

This is not just a membership; it’s a comprehensive system designed to help you build a tribe, grow your business, and create multiple streams of income through podcasting.

With PodHacker, you’ll learn how to launch a podcast in under a day, make a full-time income from your podcast affiliates and sponsorships, and get the biggest names in your industry booked out months in advance.

Think of PodHacker as your roadmap to podcasting success. It’s designed to cut down the time gap between learning and implementing, getting you moving immediately.

Access to Templates, Workflows, and Swipeable Assets

Fast-track your podcasting journey with our proven tools. Get your hands on our top-performing templates, workflows, and swipeable assets.

These resources, honed over years of podcasting success, will accelerate your implementation and scale-up efforts.

You’ll have access to:

– Dream 100 templates to automate introductions

– One sheets for your brand and podcast

– Email templates for outreach and follow-ups

– Post-production assets

– AI and ChatGPT prompts

– Workflows for key tools

– Promotional assets

– Many more

Use what’s already working to grow and monetize your podcast swiftly and effectively.

Imagine 6 months from today….

You’ve got a thriving podcast and dialed-in distribution system. 

Your days of chasing tactics are over. Now targeted leads flow to you automatically. Your credibility is sky high and your bank account is pumping.

The only question is:

Are you ready to reach the next level?

If so, the Podcasting Profits Code will unlock your potential faster than you can say “when do we start?”

The clock’s ticking. Your audience is waiting. Join now.

Lock In Your Spot Now!

**Only 15 spots available**


2 Payment Option

3 Payment Option