Negotiation Tactics From An Ex-FBI Hostage Negotiator (Featuring Chris Voss)

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Today we’re bringing back one of our favorite episodes we’ve ever done. Today we’re talking to Chris Voss, author of “Never Split The Difference,” probably the best book ever written on negotiation.

With the changes we’ve made in our business recently, we find ourselves in many more negotiation scenarios. Relistening to this episode has been huge for us, going into discussions that could have big money implications.

Ever since recording this episode, we’ve changed our speech patterns and approached conversations differently. This is one of the most impactful episodes we feel we’ve done to date in terms of our own communication skills.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord.

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to seek the best outcome in the negotiation
  • Why you should not ask “Why?” and what to ask instead
  • How to read body language and what to say to make them more at ease
  • Routine questions Chris asks during negotiating
  • What is tactical empathy and how to use it in your business
  • The story behind Chris’ most memorable hostage situation
  • How to improve your relationship at home
  • Why you should not be 100% sure of what you want as your outcome
  • What a hostage negotiation has to do with marketing and the takeaways you can use to come out ahead
  • The three different types of negotiators

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References and Links Mentioned:

Resources From Chris Voss:

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