Joe Fier & Matt Wolfe – The Yin And Yang of Joe and Matt

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On today’s show, we are mixing things up a bit. We usually chat amongst just the two of us on Tuesdays, on this episode we decided to use an interview of someone interviewing us. This was an interview done by Stephan Spencer, host of Get Yourself Optimized and Marketing Speak, two great podcasts. We really enjoyed his line of questioning and he even stumped us on a few things. He’s a deep thinker and is well studied, and we know you will enjoy this episode. 

You’ll hear us work out some stuff and come to some realizations, such as how we got to the root of what makes us curators. Stephan is great at extracting details and asked about numbers and KPI’s, but it’s interesting because over time our business has shifted from looking at the numbers and more about prioritizing the lifestyle and inner joy. We also talk about various things we have learned from books that we love as well as how we handle our business relationship, some lessons learned from our early days in business and our ideas for the future. After you have listened, check out our previous chat with Stephan that we mentioned, since he is an SEO wizard as well as our conversation with Gary Henderson who gave us his takeaways on connecting with amazing and influential folks as well.

Our goal, focus, and mind space is always on how to create better content, and we live in that world.” – Matt Wolfe

We have established ‘No Working Wednesdays’…and it’s allowed us to go 80/20, go deeper on the key actions that we should be taking and it has us really focused in.” – Joe Fier

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Why you should focus more on creating systems and less on creating goals
  • One of our big a-ha moments that really took the pressure off
  • Our partnership and the good parts and bad (which basically never happen)
  • No Working Wednesdays!
  • Building assets, not liabilities, and how to really determine the difference between the two (it may be different than what you think)
  • How we celebrate, even if it’s the little things
  • Did we really meet at a party on the beach? Tune in to find out!
  • How to multiply your child’s intelligence
  • Challenges, screw-ups, and missed opportunities
  • Dan gets another shout-out – Hi Dan!
  • Our ‘trick’ to affiliate marketing and why we are so good at it
  • How to get just the information you need without having to read a ton of content or go through an entire course

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