James Schramko – How To Scale Memberships And Retain More Customers

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James Schramko is one of only three people who have been on at least three episodes with us. With his podcast at SuperFastBusiness.com James has been dishing out amazing content every week for over ten years.

We covered a lot on this episode and it starts with a history lesson of how he’s grown his businesses over the years and it morphed into a conversation about how to keep these members around. He also discusses all these crazy benchmarks and shares how he tracks all his data using Wicked Reports, sharing some things that most marketers never share.

If you’re not following James somewhere, go do it. It’s hard not to love this guy, as you’ll hear with so much value on this episode. We also discuss our entire business model as well and our visions for offering value first and how best to accomplish that. Once you are done, be sure to listen to our previous episodes with Aaron Fletcher who also has a thriving membership site and Roland Frasier to round it out.

“The mindset aspect is the constant thing as an entrepreneur, if you figure out that game, that’s the difference between having your life of joy or your life of misery.” – James Schramko

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to get people sold into your membership
  • How to keep these members around
  • History of James Shcramko’s business and how he marketed it
  • James’ vital numbers with over 7 years of data using Wicked Reports
  • How James constantly refines and tunes his business
  • The holy grail of conversion
  • The importance of mindset and what you need to consider before raising your goals
  • And much, much more!

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Contact James Schramko:

References and Links Mentioned:

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