Optin Monster

Welcome to Day 10 of the Evergreen Profits Toolkit Series!

This is the final of 10 days of tool madness! Each day we broke down one tool that has completely changed the way we do business. Each of these tools allows us to earn more money and save more of our time.

Let’s get into today’s tool…

What’s The Purpose of OptinMonster?

OptinMonster is an amazing way to grow an email list in a whole bunch of ways. This tool allows you to create any type of opt-in that you can think of, including our favorites, slide-ins and lightboxes. If you go to a blog post on Evergreen Profits, you’ll see a little email opt-in offer that slides in from the bottom right. This is a slide-in. When you move your mouse away from your browser, you’ll see a pop-up jump onto the screen before you can exit. This is the exit-intent lightbox. Both of these are MUCH more effective at building your list that putting banners or opt-in forms into your sidebar.

Just for reference, our current slide-in offer on our blog posts receives about a 6% opt-in rate. 6 out of every 100 people that land on our site, enter their email on that slide-in. Our exit-intent lightbox receives about a 2% opt-in, capturing a few more of those visitors. We can probably optimize this one even more with a better offer but, quite frankly, we haven’t gotten around to creating a new offer yet. For contrast, when we had a sidebar opt-in on our site, it received about a 0.5% opt-in rate. Don’t clutter your blog with something that’s basically going to make no impact. Get rid of the sidebar and use slide-ins and lightboxes for your calls to action.

How We Use It In Our Business:

I think we might have said it before, but we like to grow our email list 🙂

Every single piece of content on our website has an offer that you can opt-in for. Most of the posts promote the same offer, a cheat sheet to improve your content marketing. However, on some of our posts, we have hyper-targeted, relevant offers that only show on that post. The slide-in is our preferred opt-in form because it doesn’t feel intrusive but it definitely grabs attention. We typically set it up so that the slide-in only triggers if someone scrolls 10% into the content. Therefore, everyone doesn’t see it… Only the people that are engaged with our content.

We’ve never really had to get to custom with designing because their built-in themes work great and are beautiful out of the box. It integrates with every autoresponder you can imagine, it can automatically control delivery of your lead magnet, and you can easily create different pop-ups and offers for different categories or blog posts on your site. This allows you to get super targeted with whatever your opt-in offer is.

How You Can Use It In YOUR Business:

The first step for any business is to grow an email list. This is the tool for you to make it happen quickly!

There are so many ways to leverage OptinMonster in your business. Here are some ways that we recommend that we’ve seen the biggest successes with:

  • If you don’t have a lead magnet or free offer to give away on your blog, use a tool like Designrr to create a PDF version of your blog post. Especially on longer posts, people are willing to download the PDF version so that they can easily print it and/or read the content later. We use the call to action “Enter your email to download a free printable PDF version of this article.” That seems to work really well.
  • Create multiple freebie offers. Try to create one for each category on your blog. Set up your OptinMonster so the relevant offer shows for posts based on category. For example, if we have a category for content marketing, and blog post that we put in that category might see our content marketing cheat sheet. If we have a category for traffic, the slide-in and exit-pop for blog posts in that category might see a different cheat sheet related to traffic. The more relevant you can make your offers to the category of the post readers are on, the higher the opt-in conversion you’ll see.
  • Set your slide-in to show once someone has scrolled 10% or more into your content. People that are in the middle of consuming your content are more likely to opt-in than people who just land on your page but don’t start reading. Avoid showing the offer to people that are going to bounce anyway by only triggering the offer when someone scrolls to a certain point. (This is a simple option inside OptinMonster).

Get OptinMonster Now:

We’ve been doing online marketing for 10 years and have tried every email growth tool out there… OptinMonster blows all other options. With it you’ll have the ability to look professional, grow a list today, and do it all without the tech-overwhelm.

There are a few pricing tiers, so just choose whichever you’re comfortable starting with. Either way, you’ll be making an important investment in your business and you won’t regret it!

Get OptinMonster now by clicking here. If you have any questions or need some ideas for growing your list, just shoot us an email reply or keep a lookout for more posts & podcasts from us!

Congrats! You have now seen our top 10 tools that are requirements in our business (and we think they are requirements for ANY online business). Now that you have those tools (we hope), we want to share some bonus tools that make our lives easier.

Keep a lookout for an email tomorrow with 7 more amazing tools that streamline our business (and life). These go hand-in-hand with the tools we’ve already shown you, so you’ll enjoy!