How To Build And Grow A Podcast (Podcasting Mega Episode) – Kate Erickson & John Lee Dumas

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Kate Erickson & John Lee Dumas – This is a special “mega episode”. I call it a mega episode because I combined two interviews into a single podcast episode.

Inside the private mastermind group, I did a survey… I asked what topic people were most interested in learning about next. In, what was a completely surprising result, people seemed to want to learn more about podcasting. I would have never had known that so many people were interested in this topic. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re seeing me do a lot of podcasting or if it’s something that they really believe they need to do… Either way, I’ve got the perfect people to tell you about it.

Podcasting - John Lee Dumas - Kate Erickson

Back when I was doing the Evergreen Wisdom Podcast with Joe Fier, we interviewed Kate Erickson from Entrepreneur on Fire about how they built and grew their podcast. We also dug into why they decided to create income reports and the effect it has had on their business.

About a year later, Josh Bartlett and I had John Lee Dumas, also of Entrepreneur on Fire, on our show, Beyond The Hype. This time around, John talked about his process for getting guests, how he systematized everything, how much time he actually puts into making the show successful, and he even gives some insights on how YOU could be on his show.

In this “mega episode”, you will learn:

  • How Entrepreneur on Fire was born.
  • How they managed to get such high profile guests (even before they were big).
  • The single tactic that has generated most of their marketing traction.
  • How John and Kate have systematized to consistently produce a show per day.
  • How they pick the guests that will be on their show.
  • How they make money from a podcast.
  • Several other little marketing tricks they use to keep listeners coming in.
  • And much much more.

I don’t call this one a “mega episode” for nothing. There is so much good stuff in here that anyone who’s thinking about starting a podcast could use to get ahead in the game.

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Any business could benefit from a podcast and here's why... Share on X Here's the single best way to ensure your podcast consistently grows! Share on X


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