Using Simple Press Releases For Credibility And Traffic – Rob Burns

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Rob Burns – Notice how many people use “credibility” logos on their site? You’ll see “Featured in CBS, NBC, FOX…” Ever wonder how they get that credibility?

In many cases, people submitted a press release which was then distributed across all of those platforms. Boom… Instant credibility and instant proof that big media sources are talking about you.

The credibility factor isn’t the only benefit of doing press releases. You’ll generate some extra traffic, there are some SEO benefits, and there are some strategies to drive paid traffic to those releases for a boost in exposure.

In today’s mastermind session, I pick the brain of Rob Burns, founder of PR Reach. He built a business around distributing and syndicating press releases. There are not many people more qualified to talk on the subject.

So grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn some strategies to build some quick credibility!

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Resources Mentioned


How to use press releases to build credibility and traffic #PressRelease Share on X Run Facebook ads to your press release to really make it effective. Share on X

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