How To Create Systems And Automate Your Business – Gonzalo Paternoster

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Gonzalo Paternoster is the “Man of Systems.” He has helpedthousands of business owners and entrepreneurs create and implementsystems and processes in their businesses that have transformed theway they work, saving them time and money.

Gonzalo began his career much like many of his clients: anindividual business owner struggling to “do it all” on their own.Although his businesses were very successful, he quickly realizedthat he couldn’t stay a one-man operation for very long – hisbusiness could only grow so much with that mentality. He developedsystems and began outsourcing particular work tasks to others, andonce he did, his business grew exponentially. Now, he teachesentrepreneurs and business owners how to get past the fear ofworking with and hiring others to improve productivity, automateprocedures, and free up personal time to do the things they enjoythe most. He has learned from some of the best minds in theindustry and has incorporated what he has learned as well as theprocesses he has set up for his company into his coaching andmentoring sessions with his clients. He has been featured incountless articles across the internet and dozens of newspapersincluding Yahoo! News, The Miami Herald, and NBC News for hisproven methods and success.

Here’s just a few of the things that we discussed:

  • How Gonzalo was able to land his very first consultant client for 150k
  • How to become a leader even if you’re not an expert yet
  • What you need to do if your not making money yet
  • How to validate your idea will make money
  • How to find the mission critical processes in your business
  • The things you should outsource in your business first
  • How to find people that do what your weaknesses are
  • How to analyze your weakness and find people that are good at those things
  • What role you should outsource first
  • They type of qualities that you look for in an outsourced employee
  • Where to find quality outsourcers
  • The exact places Gonzalo goes to find VA’s
  • How much you should pay outsourcers
  • Gonzalo’s hiring funnel
  • How to know if an outsourcer possesses the skills you need
  • Plus so much more!

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