How To Overcome The Mindset Roadblocks That Hold Us Back – James Wedmore (Part 2)

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Armed with a degree from one of the TOP 10 Film Schools in the Country, James Wedmore set out to utilize the power of Video and Visual Storytelling to revolutionize how we interact on the Internet.

After several successful ventures, including an Online Bartending School, James founded Video Traffic Academy: an online YouTube Marketing Training Program that has enrolled over 10,000 small business owners and entrepreneurs all over the country.

He has been featured on numerous sites such as, Rise to the Top, Mixergy and many more. He has been the Guest Instructor on 3 CreativeLIVE Workshops, and today, he hosts James Wedmore TV, his YouTube Channel that’s been viewed over 1 Million times. His mission is simple: show business owners how to create and execute effective video marketing campaigns without spending a lot of time or money.

Here’s just a few of the things that we discussed in part 2…

  • Why you don’t have to “hustle” and go through the pain to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • What to do when you feel guilty when not working.
  • The secret to growing a thriving business.
  • Why his podcast was one of the scariest things James has ever done.
  • The one affirmation everyone should do daily.
  • Why resting and not working IS actually working.
  • What would happen if you did everything without letting fear in.
  • How affirmation reminders can help you overcome your fears.
  • What to do in your business if you’re not the expert.
  • What to do when you’re afraid to invest in your business.
  • The exercise James uses with his students to help them overcome fears.
  • How giving free tips or training can lead to amazing results in your business.
  • The power of the “feel that now” mindset

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