Automating Webinar Funnels And Taking Equity – Drew Burks

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Drew Burks began his career as a successful real estate broker, but in 2009, he began planning his strategy to get out of the real estate industry and move on to “greener pastures.” He left quickly and burned the bridges behind him in that industry…

In 2010, he developed an internet marketing and business development consulting firm based in San Diego, California, which has grown wildly in popularity.

His firm has helped thousands of business owners how to create new streams of income while increasing existing streams simply by automating their marketing efforts, creating new products, and incorporating systems and Intellectual Property into their business. His consultation services, blog, and other business ventures have helped hundreds of companies across the United States grow their business, and profits, exponentially.

Here’s just a few of the things that we discussed on this episode…

  • How burning a bridge could lead to your success story.
  • Why people are so unhappy with earning a paycheck.
  • The reason Matt Wolfe grew a beard (seriously).
  • How anyone can get a job if they really wanted to.
  • The first people to find when building a team for your business.
  • Why you should partner with people instead of hiring everyone.
  • How to handpick your ideal clients.
  • The exact email that you can use to engage with potential clients.
  • The strategy to ramp up anything that you start.
  • How to validate an idea for a product.
  • How to get paid, before creating a product, to test a market.
  • The absolutely ingenious thing that Drew gets people to opt-in for to build his list and test a market (this one thing blew me away and will change the way you think about list building).
  • How to vet out products that you promote as an affiliate.
  • The systems you should use to automate your business.
  • If you do webinars… There’s one thing you need to stop doing (pay attention here).
  • How to get 50%+ show-up rate on your webinars.
  • How to make your automated webinars truly feel like they are live.
  • The emails to send after someone registers for a webinar.
  • The steps to use on your webinar to help close more sales.
  • A handful of NLP strategies that will boost any webinar’s conversion rate.
  • How much to teach on a webinar vs. how much to pitch on a webinar.
  • Plus a whole heck of a lot more!

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