How To Tell The Story Of Your Business – Mark Evans

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Mark Evans, The startup marketing guru, has a long history of helping new businesses and organizations hit the ground running with their internet marketing plans. Having been in the content marketing industry for nearly ten years, he has developed the skills to provide startup companies with strategic, tactical storytelling capabilities that drive sales. He has been in the “storytelling marketing” industry since 2008. His professional experience includes working as a newspaper reporter, an entrepreneur, and a startup marketing consultant for hundreds of companies.

Mark is also a published author, having recently written his first book, “Storytelling for Startups.”

Here’s just a taste of some of the things that we discussed on this episode:

  • The questions you must answer about your brand if you want people to pay attention.
  • The phases of creating your brand’s story.
  • How to discover the story in your product or business that you don’t see.
  • The reason why you’re probably not the best person to write your story.
  • Why you should tell people about the things you’ve done wrong.
  • The process you should follow to work through your ideal brand story.
  • Using the “hero’s journey” to sell more of your products.
  • Why you should pay attention to the stories of your competitors and how you can use this information to your advantage.
  • When a business should go after public relations.
  • Why PR isn’t good for every single business.
  • A simple process to build a network in order to be featured in press.
  • When you story should focus on your founder vs. when it should be focused on the company.
  • A process for writing a book passively over time.
  • How to market your book and get it in front of a ton of people once it’s launched.
  • How to get a ton of speaking gigs to promote your book or business.
  • How to angle your “About Me” page to make sure people want to buy from YOU.
  • What to blog about to make sure that people relate to you.
  • Plus so much more!

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