Dissecting What Makes A Super-Connector – David Gonzalez

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This is an Episode that we REALLY enjoyed recording. You guys are in for a treat as we sat down with David Gonzalez for an awesome discussion about what it takes to be a great connector. David has been running the Internet Marketing Party for the last 7 years and has had a slew of REALLY influential people not only attend, but speak at his event.

A lot of what he had done and the way he explains it, may seem unintentional, but it has been a masterful execution on how to build relationships and connect with people to foster a REAL win-win relationship. He also run a JV/affiliate agency and is a serial entrepreneur with a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

Today, you’ll discover how David went from running a 7 figure business to running one of the best known event in digital marketing

It’s hard for me to know WHAT I did, because I just went ahead and DID things. Thanks to Gonzalo, I realised I was a genius walking around thinking I was a dumb ass” – David Gonzales

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • How the internet marketing party came about
  • Approaching the first guests, and what he said to them to get to speak
  • The major key on the other side of the traffic equation
  • How he runs an event every month
  • Why it pay to be genuinely curious about people
  • How being picked last on the playground was a defining moment in David being a connector
  • What his Mentor said to him to help him discover his super power
  • What makes a good deal maker
  • How he leveraged his connections
  • How to curate experts and attendees

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Contact David Gonzalez:

References & links mentioned:

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