C.J. Martin – Building A Standout Brand In A Crowded Market

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Today we are back talking with C.J. Martin, founder, and owner of Crossfit Invictus, one of the most premier Crossfit gyms out there and probably one of the largest as well.  Crossfit Invictus is based out of San Diego, and they also have online courses and trainings as well.  For the last 11 consecutive years, they have had a presence at the Crossfit Games where the most elite of the elite of Crossfit athletes compete.

A lot of folks know about Invictus, but C.J.. says there’s never been a focus on the brand, as his goal is to get to the core of the wants and needs of the members of the gym to make them better people. We talk about how he managed to build such a successful brand, and how his gym is doing very well while others have struggled. Also, we discuss the mindset traits he instills into his members which is very similar to the attributes that entrepreneurs have, and are qualities that can empower anyone.

Listen in, as C.J. gets vulnerable talking about how the business almost went under, and how he persevered by challenging himself. And when you’re done, be sure to check out our shows with Marshall Wayne and Sunny Lenarduzzi on how to build a world-class brand that stands out.

I just realized that my lifelong impact was not going to be there. I wasn’t sure that I wanted it written on my tombstone – ‘Successfully defended lots of Fortune 500 companies’” – C.J. Martin

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to install discipline in your life (and in the lives of others)
  • How Crossfit establishes mental toughness and stability
  • The real meaning behind Invictus
  • Why C.J. jumped out of a moving bus (and why that ended up being a good thing)
  • Questions C.J. asks in the beginning when members sign up to put them on the right training path
  • How his gym stands out from most others and how this benefits his members
  • How C.J. was able to self fund a startup business and quit working his full-time job
  • How being uncomfortable helps you move ahead, both at the gym and in life in general
  • Establishing priorities and values that help establish your work/life balance
  • The turning point that almost caused Crossfit Invictus to fail, and how C.J. was able to forge ahead
  • And much, much more!

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Contact C.J. Martin:

References and Links Mentioned:

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