Behind The Scenes of Our Copreneur Journey with Heather Fier [Part 1]

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Today is an especially special episode.

I’m bringing back my wife Heather Fier for another episode (more are coming, due to popular demand).

I have waited nearly 500 years to fully feature the brains and beauty of how Heather thinks and shows up in the world of entrepreneurship and life.

She’s been my friend since middle school, boss, mentor, and wife for 13 years, and today I hope one of her stories of success and pain helps you on your journey.

Here’s a bit of what you’ll hear from our chat:

  • The raw, juicy, behind-the-scenes of a 16-year old copreneur couple
  • The difficulties of running a business and a relationship together, and the strategies we used to keep our sanity and remain happily married
  • Why Joe didn’t sign Heather’s yearbook in middle school
  • How Heather helped scale a business with her mom from local to nationwide while in her 20s
  • How Heather turned a wedding planning side hustle and led to writing her book
  • How Heather dealt with ending a 15 year old business with her mom while having our foster daughter reunify (lots of stress & emotions)
  • How Heather launched a new business, while pregnant, and grew an email list of 25,000 people
  • How this business helped her partner with the top wedding influencer
  • Heather’s transformation from being a workaholic to being efficient and intentional with her work
  • How monthly recurring revenue changed our thinking
  • Lots of tiny, quirky details each of you will notice and land differently for you!

This episode is the first of two episodes about copreneuring. Keep an eye out for the next episode this week.

Please tell another entrepreneur who would gain something from this.

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