André Chaperon & Shawn Twing – The Key Elements of a Durable Business

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André Chaperon had one of the first info products we ever bought, which was a product that started out his journey to become one of the leaders in this industry. He and his partner, Shawn Twing join us today and in the first part of this episode, we talk a lot about their concepts of emergent marketing and the durable business model that they teach. This includes things like how to get customers and when to give value for free as opposed to when to charge. 

We also couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about how to do email marketing better, how to tell better stories in your marketing, how to improve your email writing, and how to do segmentation. We get in the weeds and talk about the tactical elements of what makes everything they are doing work well. When you’re done, check out our talks with Sue Rice and Travis Ketchum to round out your email marketing knowledge.

Marketing is a long game, and most people buy between months four and eighteen. Once you know that, you re-engineer your thinking for the long game. ” – Shawn Twing

That creates an interesting dynamic where we are always sharing our best thinking with them, and as a result, stuff happens. So we are always doing this with the audience and they are always part of this journey with us.” – André Chaperon

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Some Topics We Discussed Include André Chaperon &  Shawn Twing:

  • The three components under emergent marketing
  • Playing the long term game and not selling to your audience until much later down the road
  • A cool story about writers, and chats about emojis and selfies
  • How to be the person who stands out in the room
  • Lessons from their Black Friday promotion which you can implicate any time of the year
  • Bringing your customers alongside your journey every step of the way
  • Email segmentation tactics – you know you need to do this with your list
  • The balance between descriptive and prescriptive course work
  • What do Kevin Costner and Leonard DaVinci have to do with great storytelling

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Resources From André Chaperon &  Shawn Twing:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy this clip from our interview with André Chaperon & Shawn Twing:


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