JaMarr Johnson – Life Lessons From Standup Comedy

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You are really going to love our show with JaMarr Johnson today, who is a true renaissance man. We covered so much ground in this one, and we love how JaMarr refers to himself as an entrepremedian. He talks about entertaining first and making it interesting and engaging. JaMarr did this perfectly on today’s show and we mention his book, Super-Connecting a lot, which you should definitely grab. We also chat about affiliate marketing and we love how he explains it simply as ‘recommending stuff.’

We also talk about the serenity prayer, reframing your emotions and the fears surrounding public speaking, and how to rewire your brain. JaMarr then talks about his connection with a cannabis company and the health side behind it. He has a proven track record of figuring out the wins all around and leveraging what someone already  has going on, and he’s using his skills to leverage the processes, traffic, and infrastructure to make it all happen. After you’ve listened, be sure to check out our conversations with Steve Sims and Ken Coleman for more inspiration on how to get in front of the right people and the best ways to grow your network for fun and success.

In business, you want to capture their information more than you want to make sure they have yours because they are not going to follow up.” – JaMarr Johnson

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Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Developing verbal kung fu to diffuse potential bad situations
  • The need for stability and how we all can be a renaissance person
  • Getting a call out from the stage from Dave Chappelle
  • When visualization meets preparation
  • How to be at a place where everything that happens to you is a blessing
  • Content creation from everyday experiences
  • Using voice emails to impress
  • How to create a natural flow in your daily from the time you wake up
  • Messenger marketing with funnels that appear based on keywords
  • Cloud kitchens and cannabis kiosks!

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Resources From JaMarr Johnson:

References and Links Mentioned:

Enjoy the video version of our interview with JaMarr Johnson:


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